

Hurricane Izzy

Hurricane Isabel, or Izzy, as I like to call it, ripped through Washington DC last night. In the aftermath, trees were downed along with electrical lines, and floods occurred in many areas.
The trauma continues, and the story continues to unfold, and luckily I now have power...

Okay, so I was without power for a day. "Big Deal" you say, but it really made me think about my own, and this nation's reliance on electricity. Many of you on the Upper East Coast probably realized this in August when NY was shut down for a while, but shut up, I live in DC.
Life without my computer, TV, Cable, Internet, PlayStation 2...It was a drag. All I could do was read and sleep and homework...By candle light!?! Yeah right!?! So I ventured to a more intriguing venue, the mall. The fact that the mall has power and I don't just shows you how in the grand puppet show of life, Corporate America holds all the strings...


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