


I guess that I'm feeling rather aimless today, seeing as how I've blogged a record amount of times. But...this looks so awesome. Sin City, it's directed by Robert Rodriquez (and, yes, "guest directed" by Quentin Tarantino, whatever that means) and this cast is the most amazing thing I've ever seen...I mean:
Jessica Alba-must admit I've got a bit of a thing for her...
Elijah Wood-not quite sure where the hobbit fits in...
Bruce Willis-Pulp Fiction anyone?
Benicio Del Toro-oh my god.
Michael Madsen-classic. classic.
Brittany Murphy-this could make or break the entire film. most likely the latter.
And let me leave you with this poster.

Trailerize yourself here.


  • At 9:00 AM, March 15, 2005, Blogger hugo said…

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  • At 9:01 AM, March 15, 2005, Blogger hugo said…


    This post is the best I have ever seen in this blog. Please, please, please put more pictures of hot girls with skimpy outfits.

    This sure beats posts with lyrics of U2. ;)

  • At 4:44 PM, March 15, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said…


    your. best. post. ever. (I wouldn't go so far as to say on the entire blog tho)

    Yes, Sin City does look outstandingly awesome. Isn't Robert Rodriquez the guy who directed the "Desparado" series? Quentin T acted in that movie and he got his face shot in. it was great. anyway, does anyone have any idea what role Frodo has?


  • At 5:00 PM, March 15, 2005, Blogger Andrew said…

    Indeed, Rodriguez directed the Desperados and From Dusk Till Dawn, which, if you have not seen it, I highly recommend that you do. I could never decide whether it was an incredibly stupid vampire flick, or if it was an incredibly ingenius satire of stupid vampire flicks. Having confidence in Rodriguez as a director, I'll guess that it's the latter. Anyway, it Has Quentin in it, playing a lead role with George Clooney (who brilliantly plays a bad guy turned sort of good) Anyway, even if you don't like scary movies, I would give this a try, since most of the time it comes off as scary/funny and not scary/scary...

  • At 8:33 AM, March 16, 2005, Blogger hugo said…

    From what I read at the time of the release of From Dusk Till Dawn, it is supposed to be somewhat of a tribute to Mexican wrestler movies, which 90% of the time had horror plots.The wrestler is the one who fights against vampires.

    The movie does follow closely many of the features of the genre: hokey plotline, tons of death, and hot girl-vampires wearing next to nothing. The graphic death depictions are an addition from Rodriguez and Tarantino, who I believe wrote the script together.

    If video vault is still around, you may find a sample of this cinema there.

  • At 11:29 PM, March 16, 2005, Blogger Andrew said…

    Oh, and I forgot, Cheech Marin must have a cameo in this movie.


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