Well, today we gave the poolhouse (Forrest ruined the "christening" and now it's stuck witht the name Eduardo.) at my new house with David (The Village Idiot). Key moments included me trying to do a burnout in Giant on a shopping cart and running into another person's cart and David biting into an icecream sandwich and saying "It's as hard as a rock" and me replying "That's what she said..." More poolhouse stories to come in the (near) future.
At 2:24 AM, March 28, 2005,
Anonymous said…
Pool House = Opium Den
At 12:32 PM, March 28, 2005,
Anonymous said…
Sure is sweet- no. All the little Yank poofters naming each others privy parts and testing crutch hardness at the natatorium. Reminds me of my childhood's careless catamite days at the borstal. Next time post with your candids and I will most certainly advance the link to all of my mates.
At 8:23 PM, March 28, 2005,
Anonymous said…
How well it is I remember my own christening even though it was so many years ago. I had no idea boys now talked so freely of such things. In my own case we were not at the swimming bath but instead in the oak grove just beyond the cricket pitch. We were all there and as we baptized one another as only vibrant young men can we gave each new names. I can still remember that day, the dappled warm sunlight, companionship like that of the classical warriors of Greece, true brotherhood it was. We each took on new names- Admiral Nelson- one eyed and stern, Chinese- the last man standing in Khartoum, Lawerence, of course Lawerence- all revealed that while we may have thought of ourseleves as men we still had the interests of boys. Their were others as well. The Dowager Empress- little mean and unflappable, Watt- the little steam engine, and Cromwell with his roundhead up high. Of course there were the boys we all knew would turn out bad- demanding names like Augustus or Wellington as they conquered the smallest lads over and over again. My thoughts of course stay with my dearest mates Mowgli, dear Mowgli lost to us (as if by fortune) to the charms of a girl from Pondicherry, and poor brave Byron lost to the jungles of Malaya as his grandfather had been lost to Flanders.
Lads listen to the advice of an old man and enjoy these days of baptism and christening with your mates for the world of pinched faced little wives, Pakistani son-in-laws, and above all, horrid discretion, is what awaits just outside your oak grove.
At 8:49 PM, March 29, 2005,
Anonymous said…
best post ever.
At 10:47 PM, March 30, 2005,
Anonymous said…
Just for the general enlightenment, I think Nelson had one ARM, not one EYE...
At 1:32 AM, April 01, 2005,
Anonymous said…
It is indeed to be of the one armedness of the Nelson man. Of the being 12:32 saying part of privy was to be thinking of much defecation of the inside of Eduardo.
At 1:28 PM, April 02, 2005,
Anonymous said…
Derek, that last post isn't even funny. So zip your lip.
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