

Return of The King

Okay, I just saw Return of The King (belated), the third and god only knows final installment in the LOTR trilogy. First off, that ending was a biotch with a capital B. It finally ended a whopping eleven scenes after I thought that it should have. After the third or fourth ending, I felt like I was being punished for something, or else just being reminded that I'm Peter Jackson's bitch. Otherwise, Golem was awesome, the orc leader boar a striking resemblence to Yoda, and the best part of the movie was undoubtedly when Legolas kills the elephant (It still only counts for 1), second up is when the evil dude catches on fire and runs off the cliff.


Top Ten Things Ashcroft Said On Morphine...

Number 8, and you must imagine the groggy accent..."Hey...I gotsa joke for ya...What do you call a Mexican that....BOMB THAT!"


Hellboy and The Corruption of Modern Society

Well, last week I saw Hellboy. It was sub-par to say the least, but an interesting thought occured to me. Jay Leno pointed out the strange corrolation between the moral degredation of modern society and the Hollywood box office(I can hardly say that I'm suprised...), seeing as how the #1 film has gone from Mel Gibson's Passion of The Christ, a movie about the prophet of the prodominent religion in this country, to Dawn of The Dead, a movie about The undead, to perhaps the proverbial bottom of the barrel, at least title-wise, Hellboy. Jay asked "Is America moving in the right direction?".

Never mind that Hellboy (Ron Pearlman) actually fights for "The Good Guys" in the movie, the undertones speak for themselves, Re-incarnation of The Nazi Regime.

The questions that come to mind are: is America becoming evil? are the finer points of The Christian faith lost on a generation obsessed with killing and pre-marital sex? can you blame them when the icon of our great nation enjoys blowing the crap out of third -world countries for shits and giggles?

This media-frenzy should reach full power right about the time Kill Bill Vol. 2 is released so all I can say is God bless America...God bless America indeed.


AFN News Update

Here's one from the vault, yes, consider this our April's Fool for the day!