

Watching the Bush Speech

I cannot believe that this man has the audacity to stand on stage and talk about 9/11 when he is more guilty than anyone else. Hail to the thief.
Oh, we can see the valley below, a more hopeful america...all that other clichéd bullshit...
oh, now Dick cheney, the ringmaster, satan himself is standing up to take applause...great...Laura Bush now, the crypt keeper....great....
wow, about 3 minutes in and this speech has had no substance whatsoever.
Oh, now he is talking about what he has done for education...the man can't pronounce nuclear! but the good new is: now the average 2nd grader can.
Tax relief...right...for the top one percent of America! Trickle down system my ass!
Oh, a guarantee that america will not fall into tragedy under his watch, of course not, because he's obviously FREAKING BLIND!
Okay, I've reached the end of my wits, I literally want to reach out and punch this guy in his fat head! I'm turning this shit off!


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