

A Jewgyptian Broke My Rib!

So it was basketball practice yesterday and I set a pick/screen and this senior clearly sees me, and continues to fold his arms and run straight into my sternum, I continued to play despite mild chest pains and wheezing. Later that night, upon having pretty bad pain whenever I inhaled and exhaled, I went to the emergency room and after 2 hours finally saw a doctor. This helped me very little as all he could tell me was that my "oxygen levels" were "One-hundred percent" (which he can measure within one percent accuracy by ear?) and that whether the rib was broken or bruised was flat out insignificant treatment-wise, as the only treatment is rest. I went home and went to sleep, so now I have yet to tell the coach or player what had happened and I guess I won't in fact be playing for the last two games of the season, seeing as how I cannot breath good (grammar intended). I guess that jujitsu really works! (Inside joke with me and Forrest...and Matt)


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