

Recycling Whore!

Here's on that I forgot to post:
Forrest and I were discussing how paid recycling makes me feel like a prostitute. It somehow feels disingenuous when I get paid for doing something that I should be doing to feel good (sort of...). It's a good thing that I live in a state that doesn't offer refunds.


I was recently in Brookstone and was just pondering how many products they make that are totally useless. I mean, who buys this stuff? For instance, what exactly is a "Fabric Shaver"? Well, obviously it:
"Revitalizes sweaters, clothing and furniture upholstery instantly—just glide the shaver over almost any garment to remove lint and pills, leaving smooth, fuzz-free surfaces."

You might also wonder why anyone would need a "Parking Shelter/Canopy". It's like a garage, only, not!

All these products and more are available at your local Brookstone retail outlet,
elegant solutions for problems that nobody has.


Da New Gorillaz

Like most of America, I'm fairly addicted to the new album, and despite what this (blog-burn!) idiot says, Fire Coming Out of The Monkey's Head is easily one of the best songs on the album. Dennis Hopper's monotone narration far surpasses that of William Shatner's...but here's an interesting exercise, imagine Dennis Hopper Playing Kirk on Star Trek and imagine William Shatner playing the bomber (Howard Payne) in Speed...it's eery...
Shatner: "Jack...nothing...tricky now... You...know I'm...on top of you! DO...NOT...attempt to...grow a...brain!"
Hopper: "Space, the final frontier. These are the voyages of the starship Enterprise. Its 5-year mission: to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations, to boldly go where no man has gone before."
Kids With Guns also sounds like a downtempo Coldplay to me...


Star Wars Lazers

I received the 2 star wars laser tag guns that I ordered today and they are pretty sweet... only set me back $10! We need another 2-4 guns before we can really attempt a wide scale siege though...