Hell really has frozen over. Apple is actually helping users boot windoze....can Mac Geniuses and PC-Weenies peacefully coexist on one planet, much less, one hard drive? Find out soon! Hopefully the carnage won't be as bad as The Henrico County Massacre.
For more run-off from the wastepump that is our thoughts, only with a side plate of disco-funky goodness, check out The Mad Piglet Orchestra
Friends of Mindless Blather:
Evan Mather's brilliant Star Wars Stop Motions and more.
ILLKINSKI- Listen to some cool music and play space invaders!
If you have a hankerin' for some tankerin' meet: Vadim Get your homework on with: Bagley
Sometimes we will refer to songs and link them to iTunes, you should get it, it's pretty much awesome anyway...