

Celebrity Dedication

Don't you love it when you hear that a celebrity has given up the good life to visit a third world country? Bruce Willis recently did so to tour Iraq with his band (I don't really care what their name is; their lead singer is Bruce Willis, so they must be awful) how long is he doing this, you ask. Not long enough, he's currently at game one of The World Series. Dedicating his life to the impoverished nation of America, I see...


It just occurred to me...

I just realized that blogger will let me post blogs months in advance! Okay, I lied, it occured to me two weeks ago. I wrote this on September 29th. How cool is that!?!

Kill Bill

Okay, I just saw this, and frankly, I don't think that it lives up to Tarantino's standards. Quentin Tarantino, the writer/director of such films as Pulp Fiction and Reservoir Dogs, at least in my book, is known for his incredible dialogue and plot twists. Kill Bill, at least in my book, is known for it's incredible blood spurting effect, but don't get me wrong, blood spurting out of every orafice imaginable is great, but after an hour or so, it gets boring.
It may be the fact that it is one half a plot, but this movie appeared to have no plot at all, just random killing. Actually, what I meant to say is that the plot of "Revenge" is very weak in itself and needs something else to hold it up. As for the spurting, did you know that you could bleed through your eyes?


Happy Birthday

Happy birthday to my co-writer, Forrest Malone!



Okay, here's the low down on my next movie. Written by Max Rosenthal, it's a movie about Waldo (yes, the Where's Waldo Waldo) it ought-to be a really great action flick. Catch the teaser here.
(requires QuickTime 6)