

You Have To.

Forrest. As my voicemail described. You have to do this. You have to.

Store Robbed by Disease-Ridden Monkey?

A man recently robbed a store by threatening the clerk with a syringe filled with AIDS-infected blood. The clerk willingly complied. Wow.


Morning News

Two things sparked my interest this morning:
1. DC smoking ban. I'm sure Forrest will be taking powerful stance on this one. I'm conflicted. On the one hand, I agree that smoking is harmful not only to smokers but also people around them. On the other hand, I feel that forcing the hand of smokers (into the ash tray) might be unconstitutional...if you believe in loose construction. So my stance is concerned ambivalence.
2. Metro is holding a contest to see who does the new "Doors closing" voice. I'm not thinking of trying out, nor can I think of anyone who should...but it is a ripe opportunity for parody. Stay tuned.