Talking to Darwin
I thought I'd share with you this delightful little chat that I had with darwin today:
/Users/a_logan 1%kill gates
kill: Arguments should be jobs or process id's.
/Users/a_logan 2%jobs eh...
Usage: jobs [ -l ].
/Users/a_logan 3%I'll use jobs however I wish!
Unmatched '.
/Users/a_logan 4%damn you unix! DAMN YOU!!!
Unmatched '.
/Users/a_logan 1%kill gates
kill: Arguments should be jobs or process id's.
/Users/a_logan 2%jobs eh...
Usage: jobs [ -l ].
/Users/a_logan 3%I'll use jobs however I wish!
Unmatched '.
/Users/a_logan 4%damn you unix! DAMN YOU!!!
Unmatched '.