

SAT Words are Back!

I heard a strange song on the radio at the gym yesterday. It sounded like Britney Spears only the chorus went:
They say I'm crazy
I really don't care
That's my prerogative
It occured to me that a word like prerogative is a bit to big for Ms. Spears and a bit further investgation revealed that it is a remake of a song by (Drumroll) Bobby Brown. Go figure. Anyway, SAT Words are Back.



Edited for relevance, or lack there of:
Andrew Logan: guess what I'm listening to
Forrest Malone: what?
Andrew Logan: hint: dum, dum, dum, dum
Andrew Logan: lol
Andrew Logan: you have to get this
Forrest Malone: nah now nah nah nah now now now
Andrew Logan: the melody is like dir dir dooty doo
Forrest Malone: nah now nah nah nah now now now
Forrest Malone: nice
Andrew Logan: c'mon, you got it
Andrew Logan: it's....
Andrew Logan: hint: blank me blank
Forrest Malone: franz?
Andrew Logan: yes!
Forrest Malone: again, i say...
Forrest Malone: nah now nah nah nah now now now
Andrew Logan: oh
Andrew Logan: I had it in the wrong rhythm
Andrew Logan: you mean dir dir dooty doo
Forrest Malone: yeah sure
Andrew Logan: this is by far the most convoluted conversation ever
Forrest Malone: i love my iPod so very very much
Andrew Logan: its a convolation!
Forrest Malone: clearly
Andrew Logan: I'm putting the transcript of this on the blog.
Forrest Malone: fine
The song was "Take Me Out" by Franz Ferdinand.


Everyone Hates That Freakin' Weirdo!

There once was a man named Ray.
He had a bad show but got pay.
His last names Ramano,
His show's better in mono,
For you only hear half what he say.

The Saga

The saga of Ron Pearlman continues! Not only was he a Miami Vice regular, and a voice on the Batman animated series, but he was also the voice of Mickey Kaline (The baseball player) on 'Hey Arnold!" Am I the only person who actually remembers that? He was in Highlander (The Messenger), he played "Fiery Blaze" on the Fox show "The Tick", the voice of Satan on "The Animaniacs", he was "On Air with Ryan Seacrest", but the winner folks, has to be his appearence on the show hosted by the only person on Earth whiter than himself, "The Wayne Brady Show". This guy is such a loser....why do I care so much?
Check out his resume here.


Ron Pearlman/Hellboy/Miami Vice

Okay, this is belated, but Forrest and I were talking about it and had a good laugh over how the guy who played Hellboy--Ron Pearlman--is by far the whitest guy on the planet, whose 'street-cred' goes no further beyond being a regular on Miami Vice, and--oh, I forgot, playing the voices of numerous bad-guys in the Batman animated series....wow...That's who I want to be when I grow up...LOSER!


Ground Zero

Soon construction will begin on a huge tower to sit in place of the two towers that fell on September 11. I, for one, think it's kind of silly, but they're probably right--It's not like we've ever had problems with huge towers before... Oh, yeah, huge towers seem to be working out just fine for that neighborhood.
Somebody ring the irony bell.


Back to Hell

Or school, both are used synonymously. The scurrying of tiny feet, rumbles of closing doors, gentle breeze of the ever-turning pages of books I would never choose to read: It all makes me sick.


Apparently I Am.

"hey look! you're emo! congratulations. weirdo."
Find out how emo you are!

Some Interesting Statistics

Here are some excerpts of the wordcount statistics from last night's speech by George Bush:
The word "America" was said 36 times, while the word "world" was said only 18 times.
The word "worker" was said 17 times and the word "job" was said 16 times. The word "work" was said 14 times.
The word "freedom" was said 16 times.
The word "heath" was said 14 times.
The words "tax", "school", and "Iraq" were said 11 times.
The words "great", "president", "terrorist", "good", "future" were all said 8 times.


Watching the Bush Speech

I cannot believe that this man has the audacity to stand on stage and talk about 9/11 when he is more guilty than anyone else. Hail to the thief.
Oh, we can see the valley below, a more hopeful america...all that other clichéd bullshit...
oh, now Dick cheney, the ringmaster, satan himself is standing up to take applause...great...Laura Bush now, the crypt keeper....great....
wow, about 3 minutes in and this speech has had no substance whatsoever.
Oh, now he is talking about what he has done for education...the man can't pronounce nuclear! but the good new is: now the average 2nd grader can.
Tax relief...right...for the top one percent of America! Trickle down system my ass!
Oh, a guarantee that america will not fall into tragedy under his watch, of course not, because he's obviously FREAKING BLIND!
Okay, I've reached the end of my wits, I literally want to reach out and punch this guy in his fat head! I'm turning this shit off!