

New Template

I changed the template for winter. I hope everyone likes it. Here is a little something to accent it:

Rest of The World

I was just buying some vinyl online from a retailer in the UK and I saw that shipping to the US was reffered to as "To The Rest of The World". This strikes me as odd. Are we actually living in a microcosm the likes of which we don't even know? Or is all modesty lost on a country that is quite subjectively assumed to be the "most powerful" but quite realistically assumed to be the most warlike and belligerent? Is this George Bush's fault?



Just sitting here pondering my cricket trap...a glue strip with some food on it. How is it that crickets have evolved to the point where they can use their antennaes to sense food and yet not be able to sense the deaths of tens of crickets before him. As Forrest would say: "clarence, why don't you come down to the basement and have some special candy..." Inner monologue: "I sense danger...but I'm awfully tempted by the special candy...." Outer monologue: "I sense danger...but I'm awfully tempted by the special candy...."

Well, It's Final

Well, it's final, both diarheas and dinoflagellate blooms are in my biology book.


Alright now,

I think we all need to look for the silver lining in this storm cloud...hurricane...world devouring ball of fire. So here are the top five good things about Bush being re-elected:
5. We can look forward to four more years of Michael Moore films.
4. We can hope that Bush will inspire millions of people to get jobs...mostly comedians.
3. We can enjoy those delightful little mispronounciations every press conference.
2. We can look forward to four more years of the ongoing health problems of Bush's "Medicine" Cabinet (as I like to call it...)
1. We can all feel better about ourselves knowing that we can do cocaine, fail at school, mess up on a constant basis and be f***heads in general, and be elected AND RE-ELECTED to be president of The United States of America.