


I have taken it upon myself to answer the following questions posed by a reader of our blog:
"if you were to wake up one morning as the leader of the free world (i.e. America) what would your first action be (and something stupid like brushing your teeth doesnt count)"
I would go back to sleep, being so utterly dissappointed by what a s*** hole this country has become under the previous presideng George W. You-Know-Who.
"if you were going to die and one body part of yours was going to be saved as a religious relic, what would you choose?"
Even though I love the idea of my d*** being a religious relic, I would have to go with my pinky toe. It's the cutest of the foot-related appendages after all...



Speaking of Jews, on Saturday my basketball team plays Hebrew Day School, who, despite being short, are suprisingly good at basketball. But not as good as Jewish Day School (yes, the most generic name for any Jewish school) who, stragnely enough, always duke it out in the playoffs with St. Anselms Abbey.



Forrest, you might appreciate this. It's a song called "Haters" by none other than miss Hillary Duff. Who spells her name Hilary Duff. This, by the way, fails to phase me, and I will continue to spell it Hillary, not only because it is the proper way of spelling it and has become idiosyncratic for me, but because these spelling changes are absurd! Brittanny reduced to Britney, Hillary reduced to Hillary, pretty soon Lindsay will be Linsay and John will be Jon!

Oh God, What Has Happened to The World?

She has an album. Lindsay f***ing Lohan now has a f***ing album. If you don't believe me look here. She has officially joined the likes of other actor-turned-singer flops such as Will Smith, Jennifer Lopez and Hilliary Duff, to name a few. Congratulations, you've claimed your spot in the history books as a no-talent loser. Hooray!

Yet Another Retort

In response to a previous comment:
First of all, I said retort, not report:
Retort-n. A quick incisive reply, especially one that turns the first speaker's words to his or her own disadvantage.
Extended Definition
Second, I am not "attacking" girls for trying to be pretty, or even for being pretty by no fault of their own for that matter. I am simply insinuating that girls should not be constrained to any particular figure. Also, who decides upon the precice definition of pretty? The record industry assumes that it is their job. I just tend to disagree.
As for this, "A girl should want to look like a pretty girl like Brittney or Hillary." That is just one of the most subjective and inconsiderate thing I've ever heard. Plus I'm sure that you look just like Colin Farrell yourself.
As for the connection between being Happy and being pretty, I think that happiness is totally unrelated to how you look. If you are isolated from sociey because of you choose not to conform to the record industry's image of beautiful, and thus feel depressed, that is what I'm trying to stop.
Next, mental capacity is in someway related, our society seems to value people with higher SAT scores over those of us with a greater creative capacity. That is equally wrong, but a completely different argument. Respect is largely based upon the same rules. If you adhere to the laws of beauty, people will respect you. If you are "smarter" by some miscontrued measure of society, you will be more respected. Respect is highly subjective.
"Then take lessons from cool people. I do not see why you do not understand this. Sure some girl may not be as pretty as Hillary but is'nt it better for all guys (at least not the gay ones) if she trys to be as much like a pretty girl as possible?" No. I would and will never take lessons from a person who society feels is more valuable than me simply because of how he looks. I think it would be better for all people, men and women, gay and straight, if we just judged eachother by what we are inside, not how we look, dress, and talk. Of course this is a perhaps unachievable dream, but if we would all try to acheive a socially just society in our own way, the world would be a better place.
"Pretty girls come to America to be free. Next to the record store where I work there is a spa that always has pretty girls who have just come to America- and they came here for our freedoms and stuff." I am sorry that these women have come to america under false pretenses just as I am sorry that you misunderstand the meaning of our "freedoms and stuff". In America, you are free to look just like you want, practice any religion you want, and act exactly as you want to. That is freedom. For instance, in certain countries, if women show their stomachs, they are stoned to death. Freedom is not the right to look pretty, freedom is the right to look like whatever you want and not be prosecuted for it.
Yes, now, thanks to technology, we have the ability to change our appearence for what society is told to be the better. I just think that people should stop being told what it is desirable to look like.
And finally for this lovely little tidbit: "I think you need to stop being such a sexist- esp. when you are always posting sex talk on your blog. Again let's all chill out and agree to agree on the important stuff." I think you need to look up sexist in the dictionary. It reads:
Sexist-n. Attitudes, conditions, or behaviors that promote stereotyping of social roles based on gender.
Now who do you think is the more sexist of us two?
"Why shouldn't we encourage girls to want to be pretty- what you want to encourage them to be ugly to make all our female stars look like some ugly girls or something." <- You
"I think it would be better for all people, men and women, gay and straight, if we just judged eachother by what we are inside, not how we look, dress, and talk." <- Me

Enjoying The Dialog

While I am enjoying the friendly debate that is going on (I plan on posting a response to Sevil Natas' post in a bit), I have decided to eliminate the really long and totally irrelevant comments, seeing as how niether Forrest or I find them of any use whatsoever and I have seen them before and guess that they are copyrighted (at the very least, not original work.) also, posting is now restricted to Registered users only, I hope that this does not discourage anyone of an IQ level over 1.


My Retort

"That is why pretty girls come here to be free of that kind of sexist attitude." Huh? The sexist attitude that makes them feel insubordinated by men because they are not accepted for who they really are? Oh yes, that. I'm not trying to encourage a nation of ugly women-that would suck-I'm just trying to show you that women are judged under prejudices which are out of their control. Women can't control the size of their breasts or the color of their hair (surgery and coloring is cheating) as much as men cannot control the size of their falices (Pumps and pills are cheating).


Hillary Duffism

To the previous comments:
Not only is that one of the most incoherent things I have ever heard, but severly misguided as well. I think we can all do with a bit more hate of the pop teen figures, aside from the advantages of simply not adhering to the norm, expressing our opposition to such unsavory trash is exactly the attitude that we need to show to the many third-world Muslim factions that hate US simply because we crowd around record stores for the latest serving of sexually appealing masturbation fodder like pigs to the trough. On top of all that, Hillary Duff and the like encourage a negative female stereotype as well as providing an unacheivable level of perfection for little girls to idolize as they grow up. Hillary Duff and the like are just the industry's new way of selling you smut in an innocent package. I think we should discourage Hillary Duffism, Lindsay Lohanism, Britney Spearsism and Olson Twinism in our society before they consume us whole like diet pills to a pop-diva.