I was watching Will Smith music videos on MTV (I know, "why was I watching them?"...the better question is "why was MTV playing them?") anyway, I saw the video for "Just The 2 of Us" and it was basicly a clip show of black fathers and sons...it is possible that they're all people in Smith's family, but I doubt it.
Well, today we gave the poolhouse (Forrest ruined the "christening" and now it's stuck witht the name Eduardo.) at my new house with David (The Village Idiot). Key moments included me trying to do a burnout in Giant on a shopping cart and running into another person's cart and David biting into an icecream sandwich and saying "It's as hard as a rock" and me replying "That's what she said..." More poolhouse stories to come in the (near) future.
Mindlessblather.net Mailing List
Anyone who wants to be notified of posts and comments from here (it's quite annoying, I guarantee you...), you may like it if you are very masochistic. drop me an e-mail at Andrew@MindlessBlather.net to sign up.
P.S. Forrest, Hugo, your on it...I've officially ruined your lives.
P.S. Forrest, Hugo, your on it...I've officially ruined your lives.
I guess that I'm feeling rather aimless today, seeing as how I've blogged a record amount of times. But...this looks so awesome. Sin City, it's directed by Robert Rodriquez (and, yes, "guest directed" by Quentin Tarantino, whatever that means) and this cast is the most amazing thing I've ever seen...I mean:
Jessica Alba-must admit I've got a bit of a thing for her...
Elijah Wood-not quite sure where the hobbit fits in...
Bruce Willis-Pulp Fiction anyone?
Benicio Del Toro-oh my god.
Michael Madsen-classic. classic.
Brittany Murphy-this could make or break the entire film. most likely the latter.
And let me leave you with this poster.

Trailerize yourself here.
Jessica Alba-must admit I've got a bit of a thing for her...
Elijah Wood-not quite sure where the hobbit fits in...
Bruce Willis-Pulp Fiction anyone?
Benicio Del Toro-oh my god.
Michael Madsen-classic. classic.
Brittany Murphy-this could make or break the entire film. most likely the latter.
And let me leave you with this poster.
Trailerize yourself here.
Here's me.
You scored as Democrat. <'Imunimaginative's Deviantart Page'>
What Political Party Do Your Beliefs Put You In? created with QuizFarm.com |
I just finished brushing my teeth with this new toothpaste that is Vanilla/Mint flavored and it got me pondering...why is vanilla considered to be so plain (i.e. the term "plain-vanilla")? I really enjoy a good vanilla.
Your vote please...
To all whom it concerns, I am considering getting a website for MPO (look to the right side of your screen if you are lost...) and I have thought of the following options, let me know which you like best or suggest another one!
Finally got BlatherMail! Back On-Line
I finally got around to putting my mindlessblather e-mail address into my e-mail client...ain't these things cool!? (I'm calling it BlatherMail! from now on...)
Forrest in ASCII
Since Forrest is so adament about keeping his face off the internet, I have modeled a picture of him using only the keys on my keyboard.

Quite Possibly...
The most ridiculous thing I've ever heard, taken from The About.com Excercise Guide:
Why are football players so susceptible to knee injuries? One explanation comes from New Science which reports on "a condition called SARA (sexually acquired reactive arthritis) in sportsmen, particularly footballers. It seems that footballers have so much sex that they're particularly susceptible to the condition, which in turn makes them more susceptible to...knee injuries."
Wow, and I thought oozing with pus was a bad STD, these guys get knee problems!? The moral of the story, don't sleep with prostitutes who have bad knees...
Why are football players so susceptible to knee injuries? One explanation comes from New Science which reports on "a condition called SARA (sexually acquired reactive arthritis) in sportsmen, particularly footballers. It seems that footballers have so much sex that they're particularly susceptible to the condition, which in turn makes them more susceptible to...knee injuries."
Wow, and I thought oozing with pus was a bad STD, these guys get knee problems!? The moral of the story, don't sleep with prostitutes who have bad knees...
This is a Rip-Off
I'm pretty sure that this new Ashton Kutcher movie Guess Who is just another girlfriend's dad comedy like My Boss's Daughter, only with a black chick. Has anybody else caught on to this scam? Compare the tag-lines:
Guess Who-Some in-laws were meant to be broken.
My Boss's Daughter-There are some things you just don't do.
Guess Who-Some in-laws were meant to be broken.
My Boss's Daughter-There are some things you just don't do.
Letter of Destruction (Dum, Dum, Dum!!!)
It's the letter W. In fact, it's probably the most misleading name for something that is just a letter. We recently received the wrong software from Norton, and as it was not worth return postage, they sent us an official letter of destruction (Dun, Dun, Dun!) instructing us to completely obliterate the software when it arrived. I have put up a photo album chronicling the event!
A Jewgyptian Broke My Rib!
So it was basketball practice yesterday and I set a pick/screen and this senior clearly sees me, and continues to fold his arms and run straight into my sternum, I continued to play despite mild chest pains and wheezing. Later that night, upon having pretty bad pain whenever I inhaled and exhaled, I went to the emergency room and after 2 hours finally saw a doctor. This helped me very little as all he could tell me was that my "oxygen levels" were "One-hundred percent" (which he can measure within one percent accuracy by ear?) and that whether the rib was broken or bruised was flat out insignificant treatment-wise, as the only treatment is rest. I went home and went to sleep, so now I have yet to tell the coach or player what had happened and I guess I won't in fact be playing for the last two games of the season, seeing as how I cannot breath good (grammar intended). I guess that jujitsu really works! (Inside joke with me and Forrest...and Matt)